Excel Tools: Summarizing Data
--- class:center, middle ![img-center-50](images/datapolitan.png) # Excel Tools: Summarizing Data - - - ## Instructors: Mark Yarish and Elizabeth DiLuzio ### Follow along at: #### See the code at: --- class:center,middle # Welcome --- exclude:true # Data Driven Culture ![img-center-90](images/ddc_compass.png) --- # Introduce Yourself to Your Neighbor + Who are you? + Where do you work? + What has been the proudest moment in your job? --- # A Few Ground Rules ??? + Facilitators establish the intention we have for the culture of the classroom -- + Step up, step back -- + Be curious and ask questions! -- + Assume noble regard and positive intent -- + Respect multiple perspectives -- + Listen deeply -- + Be present (phone, email, social media, etc.) --- # Housekeeping -- + We’ll have one 15 minute break in the morning -- + We’ll have an hour for lunch -- + We’ll have a 15 minute break in the afternoon -- + Class will start promptly after breaks -- + Feel free to use the bathroom if you need during class -- + Please take any phone conversations into the hall to not disrupt the class ??? + Set expectations for the class --- # What to Expect Today + 9:45 – Review of Basic Operations + 10:30 – 15 min break + 10:45 – Exploratory Analysis and Basic Summarization + 12:00 – Lunch + 1:00 – Visualizing Data in Excel + 2:00 – Manipulating Data in Excel + 2:30 – 15 min break + 2:45 – Advanced Excel Functionality + 4:30 – Wrap-Up and Dismissal --- class:center,middle # What do you want to learn today? ??? + Give participants an opportunity to jot down questions they have about Excel on post-its + collect, review, and address as class progresses --- # Getting Started + What are spreadsheets? + Why do we use them? ??? + Get students thinking about what operations spreadsheets enable + Understand how spreadsheets differ from other office applications --- class:center,middle # Overview of Excel --- # Benefits of Excel -- + Easy to use -- + Very visual -- + Lots of features and functions -- + Easy to make charts -- + Does a lot of formatting for you ??? + Poll class for their key challenges working with Excel + Discuss the ways in which Excel is beneficial in daily work --- # Drawbacks of Excel -- + Not very intuitive -- + Hard to find what you’re looking for (and they keep moving things around) -- + Lots of features and functions -- + Easy to make (bad) charts -- + Does a lot of formatting for you ??? + Poll class for their key challenges working with Excel + Discuss the ways in which Excel is challenging in their daily work --- exclude:true # Cautionary Tale - Austerity in Europe ![img-center-80](images/athensprotest.jpg) .caption[Image Credit: [](, [CC BY-SA 2.0](] --- exclude:true # Cautionary Tale - Austerity in Europe ![img-center-60](images/reinhart_rogoff_coding_error.png) Source: Mike Konczal, "[Researchers Finally Replicated Reinhart-Rogoff, and There Are Serious Problems](" --- # To Err is Human > Since 1995, 88% of the 113 spreadsheets audited in 7 studies ... have contained errors. ## - Raymond Panko, "[What We Know About Spreadsheet Errors](" ??? + An example of how common Excel errors can have a real-world impact ??? + Contextualize occurrence of errors (they happen a lot) + Instill expectation that errors will happen and to be aware (they will happen to you) --- exclude:true class:center,middle # 88% of Spreadsheets Have Errors Source: [Market Watch]( --- exclude:true # Some Common Excel Shortcuts + `Ctrl + arrow key` - Go to the end of the text in that direction + `Ctrl + c` - Copy the selection to clipboard + `Ctrl + v` - Paste clipboard contents to the cell(s) + [Click for more shortcuts]( ??? + Introduce key shortcuts to make analysis more efficient + Emphasize that these are optional but helpful --- class:center,middle # Let's Get Started ## [Click to download our data](data/InventoryExample.xlsx) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form1.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form2.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form3.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form4.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form5.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form6.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form7.png) --- # Writing Simple Formulas ![img-center-100](images/inv_form8.png) --- class:center,middle # Excel Functions ## [More on Functions from Microsoft]( --- # Basic Function Syntax ``` =FUNCTION_NAME(parameter1, parameter2,...) ``` -- ## For Example ``` =SUM(A5:A8) ``` -- + This tells Excel to sum all the values in cells A5, A6, A7, and A8 --- # SUM Function ![img-center-100](images/ex1_sum.png) --- # COUNT Function ![img-center-100](images/ex1_count1.png) --- # COUNT Function ![img-center-100](images/ex1_count2.png) --- # Calculate Discount ![img-center-100](images/ex1_calc_disc1.png) --- # Calculate Discount ![img-center-100](images/ex1_calc_disc2.png) --- # SUM Function with Negative Numbers ![img-center-100](images/ex1_sum_nn1.png) --- # SUM Function with Negative Numbers ![img-center-100](images/ex1_sum_nn2.png) --- # Functions in Excel -- + Allow you to do calculations in Excel -- + Also allow you to manipulate text -- + And a whole lot more... --- # Some Categories of Functions in Excel -- + Database functions -- + Date and time functions -- + Financial functions -- + Logical functions -- + Lookup and reference functions -- + Math and trigonometry functions -- + Statistical functions -- + Text functions -- + 13 categories in total -- + Explore all of Excel's functions [here.]( --- class:center,middle # Let's Tell the Story of NYC between 1970 and 2010 ## [Click to download the data](data/NYC_Population_1970-2010.xlsx) --- # Calculating Total Borough Population ![img-center-100](images/total_boro_pop1.png) --- # Calculating Total Borough Population ![img-center-100](images/total_boro_pop2.png) -- + Copy and paste the formula for each decade -- + .red[Can we paste the same formula for all boroughs?] --- # Calculating Population Change Each Decade ![img-center-100](images/boro_pop_change1.png) --- # Calculating Population Change Each Decade ![img-center-100](images/boro_pop_change2.png) -- + Copy and paste the formula for each decade starting with 1980 and each borough --- # Calculating Percentage Change Each Decade ![img-center-100](images/perc_change1.png) --- # Calculating Percentage Change Each Decade ![img-center-100](images/perc_change2.png) --- # Display Population Change Over Time ![img-center-100](images/cd_graph1.png) --- # Display Population Change Over Time ![img-center-90](images/cd_graph2.png) --- # Display Population Change Over Time ![img-center-100](images/cd_graph3.png) --- # Display Population Change Over Time ![img-center-60](images/cd_graph4.png) --- # Display Population Change Over Time ![img-center-85](images/cd_graph5.png) --- # Display Population Change Over Time ![img-center-60](images/cd_graph6.png) --- # Your Turn -- + In groups, create a chart of population over time in your assigned borough over time -- + Identify key trends or indications in the data -- + Find and articulate the story the data tells -- + Explore different chart types and be prepared to explain your choices --- class:center,middle # Lunch --- class:center,middle # Welcome Back! --- class:center,middle ![img-center-100](images/human_pivot.png) --- exclude:true class:center,middle # 15 Minute Break --- exclude:true class:middle > Facts do not "speak for themselves." They speak for or against competing theories. Facts divorced from theory or visions are mere isolated curiosities. ## -Thomas Sowell *A Conflict of Visions* --- exclude:true # What is Analysis? > “Analysis is simply the pursuit of understanding, usually through detailed inspection or comparison” ## - [Carter Hewgley](, Senior Advisor for Family & Homeless Services, Department of Human Services, District of Columbia --- class:center,middle # Looking at Noise in New York City ## [Click to download the data](data/311_Noise_20150601_20150830.csv) --- # 5 Data Analytics Tasks -- 1. Sorting -- 2. Filtering -- 3. Aggregating (PivotTable) -- 4. Manipulating (Transforming) -- 5. Visualizing --- # 1. Sorting -- + Reorganize rows in a dataset based on the values in a column -- + Can sort on multiple columns --- # Sorting by Date -- ![img-center-100](images/sort_overview.png) -- ![img-center-100](images/sort1.png) --- # Sorting by Date ![img-center-65](images/sort4a.png) -- ![img-center-65](images/sort4b.png) --- # Sorting by Date ![img-center-60](images/sort4.png) -- ![img-center-60](images/sort_final.png) --- # 2. Filtering -- + Only show rows that contain some value -- + Can filter by multiple values -- + Can filter by values in multiple columns --- # Filtering ![img-center-100](images/filtering1.png) --- # Filtering ![img-center-40](images/filtering2.png) --- # Conditional Formatting ![img-center-65](images/cf1.png) --- # Conditional Formatting ![img-center-80](images/cf2.png) --- name:pivottable # 3. Aggregating Data -- + Trends only become clear in aggregate -- + Often where you discover the "so what" -- + Aggregating data meaningfully can be tricky --- # PivotTables -- + A data summarization tool -- + Useful to quickly understand data -- + Can use to graph data totals -- ![img-center-100](images/pt1.png) --- # Creating a PivotTable ![img-center-60](images/pt2.png) -- + Should default to all your data .red[unless you have any cells selected] -- + Should default to a new worksheet --- # Creating a PivotTable ![img-right-40](images/pt3.png) ## Drag and drop fields to visualize + Row labels + Values + Filter + Column Labels --- # Creating a PivotTable ![img-center-100](images/pt4.png) --- # Your Turn -- ![img-right-45](images/cd_map.png) + In your groups, explore the complaints for your assigned borough -- + What are the common types of complaints? -- + Which Community Districts have the most complaints? -- + Identify any other meaningful patterns to the noise complaints .caption[Image Credit: Datapolitan [CC BY-SA 4.0](] --- # Exploratory Data Analysis -- + Goal -> Discover patterns in the data -- + Understand the context -- + Summarize fields -- + Use graphical representations of the data -- + Explore outliers -- #### Tukey, J.W. (1977). Exploratory data analysis. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley --- exclude:true class:center,middle # Visualizing Data --- exclude:true # Why do we visualize data? [![img-center-75](images/vision_zero.png)]( --- exclude:true # Why do we visualize data? ![img-center-100](images/vision_zero_table.png) --- exclude:true # Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart1.png) --- exclude:true #"Barless" Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart2.png) --- exclude:true # Horizontal Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart3.png) --- exclude:true # Ranked Horizontal Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart4.png) --- exclude:true # Grouped Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart5.png) --- exclude:true # Grouped Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart6.png) --- exclude:true # Precognitive Processing ![img-center-100](images/chart7.png) --- exclude:true # Stacked Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart7.png) --- exclude:true # 100% Stacked Bar Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart7a.png) --- exclude:true # Stacked Bar Chart + Which of these do you like better? ![img-left-50](images/311_chart7.png) ![img-right-50](images/311_chart7a.png) ##### + Why? --- exclude:true # Line Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart8.png) --- exclude:true # Why use a line chart? ![img-center-100](images/311_chart8a.png) --- exclude:true # Line Chart with Categorical Data ![img-center-100](images/311_chart9.png) --- exclude:true # Multi-Line Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart10.png) --- exclude:true # Multi-Line Chart ![img-center-100](images/311_chart11.png) --- exclude: true # Small Multiples ![img-center-50](images/sm.png) --- exclude: true class:middle ![img-center-100](images/chart12a_rev.png) Source: Enrico Bertini, NYU Tandon School of Engineering --- exclude: true # Banking to 45 degrees ![img-center-100](images/chart12b_rev.png) Source: Cleveland, William S., McGill Marylyn E., and McGill Robert. ["The Shape Parameter of a Two-Variable Graph."]( Journal of the American Statistical Association 83.402 (1988): 289-300. --- exclude:true # Pie Charts ![img-center-75](images/311_chart13.png) --- exclude:true # Pie Charts ![img-center-85](images/chart15.png) ![img-center-75](images/chart16.png) "Piecharts". Licensed under [CC BY 1.0]( via [Wikimedia Commons]( --- exclude:true # Pie Charts ![img-center-90](images/chart14.png) "Badpie" by Gilgongo - Own work. Licensed under [CC BY-SA 3.0]( via [Wikimedia Commons]( --- exclude:true # Pie Charts ![img-center-medium](images/chart17.png) Source: For Analysis: --- exclude:true # Donut Chart ![img-center-70](images/311_chart18.png) --- exclude:true name:treemap # [Treemap]( ![img-center-100](images/treemap.png) --- exclude:true # For more on Pie Charts 1. Spence, I. (2005). [No Humble Pie: The Origins and Usage of a Statistical Chart]( *Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics*, 30(4), 353–368. 2. Heer, J. and Bostock, M. (2010). [Crowdsourcing Graphical Perception: Using Mechanical Turk to Assess Visualization Design]( *CHI 2010*, April 10–15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. --- exclude:true # Channels and Marks ![img-center-90](images/chart18.png)
From Tamara Munzner, [Visualization Analysis and Design]( --- # 5. Visualizing Data -- + Think about your audience -- + Reduce the amount of effort it takes to understand your visualization -- + Select colors with high contrast -- + There are always ways of improving --- class:center,middle # How do you learn to create good visualizations? # --- class:center,middle # How do you learn to create good visualizations? # ...Make a lot of bad visualizations --- # Your Turn -- + Take a few minutes with the data you have for your borough -- + With your group members, play with a new or different way to visualize the data -- + Be ready to describe why it works (or doesn't) to the class --- # 4. Manipulating Data (In a good way...) -- + Sometimes available categories don't make sense -- + Values may not be in the format you need (or have mistakes) -- + You always want to have a clean copy of the data to go back to -- + Best to keep track of what you've done --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp -- ![img-center-100](images/hour1.png) --- class:middle,center [![img-center-100](images/hour_def_box.png)]( --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp ![img-center-100](images/hour2.png) --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp ![img-center-100](images/hour3.png) --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp ![img-center-100](images/hour4.png) --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp ![img-center-100](images/hour5.png) --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp ![img-center-100](images/hour6.png) --- # Extracting Hour From Timestamp ![img-center-100](images/hour7.png) --- class:center,middle # When Are Noise Complaints Received? ![img-center-70](images/hour_graph.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Hour ![img-right-60](images/hour_chart1.png) + Refresh PivotTable --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Hour ![img-right-40](images/hour_chart2.png) + Refresh PivotTable + Find `Hour` and add it to "Rows" --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Hour + Refresh PivotTable + Find `Hour` and add it to "Rows" + Style the chart ![img-center-60](images/hour_graph.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day ![img-center-70](images/day_graph.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day [![img-center-100](images/week2.png)]( -- + Not what we want --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day [![img-center-85](images/week3.png)]( -- + What we want --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day ![img-center-100](images/week1.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day ![img-center-100](images/week4.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day ![img-center-100](images/week5.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day -- + Refresh the PivotTable -- + Add `dow` to Rows -- + Format the chart ![img-center-75](images/day_fix.gif) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day -- + You could also use `CHOOSE` -- ![img-center-80](images/choose1.png) --- # Charting Noise Complaints by Week Day ![img-center-90](images/choose2.png) -- ![img-center-85](images/choose3.png) --- # Your Turn -- + Explore patterns by hour of the day and day of the week for your borough -- + Explore trends by `Complaint Type` and `Descriptor` -- + Explore ways to visual represent this data with charts -- + Refine the story the data tells about your borough --- class: middle, center # 15 Min Break --- class:center,middle # We're Going to Join the Population Data with the 311 Service Requests ![img-center-80](images/cf_311_pop_rev_box.png) --- # VLOOKUP -- + Useful for referencing data from another sheet (reference tables) -- + Basic Syntax ``` =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) ``` -- + Example ``` =VLOOKUP(A2,SHEET2$A1:$D500,4,FALSE) ``` --- # Preparing the Data -- + We need a lookup value (key) that matches between sheets -- + The Community Districts are in the format `## BOROUGH` -- + We can use a formula to create this in our population sheet --- # CONCATENATE Function -- + Useful for combining text fields -- + Basic Syntax ``` =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...) ``` -- + Example ![img-center-70](images/concat1.png) --- # CONCATENATE Function + Useful for combining text fields + Basic Syntax ``` =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...) ``` + Example (with space between names) ![img-center-70](images/concat2_box.png) --- class:center,middle # Let's Get Better Population Data ## [Click to Download Population Data](data/NYC_Population_1970-2010_flat.xlsx) --- # Preparing the Population Data -- + Insert a column -- + Call it `CB_Number` -- + Give it the formula: ``` =CONCATENATE("0",A2," ","B2") ``` -- + Note the space before the borough name ![img-center-80](images/concat3_rev.png) --- # Preparing the Population Data + Copy and paste the formula down ![img-center-80](images/concat3b.png) -- ![img-center-80](images/concat4_rev.png) --- # Preparing the Population Data + Notice the leading zero for Community Districts 10 - 12 ![img-center-100](images/concat4_rev_box.png) -- + What can we do about this? --- # Preparing the Population Data + The simple method is to delete the `"0"` from the formula ![img-center-100](images/concat6_rev.png) --- class:center,middle # What if we didn't want to manually edit the formula? --- # Nested Functions ![img-center-100](images/concat_form_rev.png) + What are we telling Excel to do? --- # Nested Functions ![img-center-100](images/concat_form0_rev.png) -- 1. Test the value in Cell A11 to see if it's less than 10 --- # Nested Functions ![img-center-100](images/concat_form1_rev.png) 1. Test the value in Cell A11 to see if it's less than 10 2. `IF` it's less than 10, add a 0, otherwise, add an empty string (`""`) --- # Nested Functions ![img-center-100](images/concat_form2_rev.png) 1. Test the value in Cell A11 to see if it's less than 10 2. `IF` it's less than 10, add a 0, otherwise, add an empty string (`""`) 3. `CONCATENATE` the value above with the contents of Cell A11 and B11 (along with the space " ") --- exclude:true # Now One Formula Rules Them All ![img-center-100](images/concat_form_nested.gif) --- # Preparing the 311 Data -- + Aggregate the number of noise-related complaints by Community District -- + HINT: Use a PivotTable -- ![img-center-70](images/cd_pt.png) --- # Preparing the 311 Data + Add a column labeled `CD Population` ![img-center-90](images/cd_pop_prep.png) -- + This is where we're going to import the population using `VLOOKUP` --- # Adding the VLOOKUP ``` =VLOOKUP(A5,'[NYC_Population_1970-2010_flat.xlsx]A'!$C$1:$I$60,7,FALSE) ``` -- + Use the value in cell A5 (from our PivotTable of complaints by `Community Board`) -- + Go to Workbook `NYC_Population_1970-2010_flat.xlsx` -- + Find Sheet `A` -- + Match the value from cell A5 in Column C, Rows 1 - 60 -- + Return the value in column 7 (I) -- + Don't do any [range matching (exact match)]( --- # Adding the VLOOKUP + Verify the result ![img-center-100](images/vlookup1.png) --- # Adding the VLOOKUP + Copy and paste the formula ![img-center-90](images/vlookup_copy.gif) --- # Calculating the Complaints per 1000 People ![img-center-90](images/calc_complaints1.png) -- ![img-center-90](images/calc_complaints2.png) --- # Conditional Formatting ![img-center-65](images/cf1.png) --- # Conditional Formatting ![img-center-100](images/cf_311_pop_rev_box.png) --- class:center,middle # WRAP-UP --- # What We Covered Today -- + Formulas -- + Functions -- + PivotTables -- + Charts -- + What Else? --- # Resources -- + [City of New York Department of City Planning NYC Population Page]( - NYC Population 1970 - 2010 -- + [NYC Open Data Portal]( - 311 Noise Complaint data -- + [Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts]( -- + [Microsoft Office Community]( - Community Q&A Board -- + [7 essential Excel tricks every office worker needs to know]( (we covered 6 of the 7 today) -- + [11 Places That Can Turn You Into A Microsoft Excel Power User]( -- + [Data Sensemaking]( by Enrico Bertini -- + [Datapolitan Training Classes]( --- name:contact ## .center[Contact Information] ### Elizabeth DiLuzio
Email: Elizabeth[at]datapolitan[dot]com
### Mark Yarish
--- class:center, middle # THANK YOU! ## [PDF Copy of Workbook](workbook.pdf) --- # Datasets for Class + [Inventory Example](data/InventoryExample.xlsx) + [NYC Population Data, 1970-2010](data/NYC_Population_1970-2010.xlsx) + [311 Noise Complaints, 1 June - 30 August 2015](data/311_Noise_20150601_20150830.csv) --- # Key Excel Functions for Summarizing Data + [`=SUM()`]( Calculates the sum for a range of numbers + [`=COUNT()`]( Counts the number of cells containing numbers in a range + [`=COUNTA()`]( Counts the number of non-blank cells in a range + [`=HOUR()`]( Extracts the hour from a timestamp + [`=WEEKDAY()`]( Extracts the day of the week from a timestamp + [`=CHOOSE()`]( Uses an index number to return a result from an ordered list of values --- # Key Excel Functions for Summarizing Data + [`=MID()`]( Select a specified number of characters from a text string + [`=LEFT()`]( Select a specified number of characters from the beginning of a text string + [`=RIGHT()`]( Select a specified number of characters from the end of a text string + [`=FIND()`]( Find the location of a given character in a text string --- # Key Excel Functions for Summarizing Data + [`=CONCATENATE()`]( Combine characters together into a text string + [`=VLOOKUP()`]( An operation to look up a value in another location based on an index value + [`=IF()`]( A function for logical comparison between values to return a desired result given a particular condition --- # Formulas for Class + Extract hour from timestamp `=HOUR(B2)` + Extract day of the week from timestamp `=WEEKDAY(B2)` + Formula to display the name of the day ``` =CHOOSE(D2,"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") ``` + Formula to concatenate Community District and Borough ``` =CONCATENATE(IF(A3<10,"0",""),A3," BRONX") ``` + Formula for VLOOKUP of Community District Population (may need to adjust references) ``` =VLOOKUP(A5,'[NYC_Population_1970-2010.xlsx]A'!$B$1:$H$81,7,FALSE) ``` --- # Have trouble with the analysis? + [Inventory Example with Formulas](data/InventoryExample_with_Formulas.xlsx) + [NYC Population, 1970 - 2010 with calculations](data/NYC_Population_1970-2010_calculated.xlsx) + [311 Noise Complaints in NYC with calculated fields](data/311_Noise_20150601_20150830_calculated.xlsx)